FNF-Ajou Peace Academy

taaks FNF Korea Korea

The Ajou Institute of Unification (AIU) and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Korea (FNF) held their first joint peace academy in December 2018. 

Ajou University students who took unifcation or North Korea related classes offered by the AIU participated in the academy. The academy had two parts: First, a guided tour at the DMZ, where the students learned about the history of the DMZ and grasped the realities of their divided country. Secondly, a special lecture by FNF Korea where the German and Korean cases were compared and current political changes towards peace on the peninsula were discussed. A major aspect was to discuss public opinions about reunification and North korea and how generational shifts exists in South Korea. Simple dichotomous views such as "pro unification" or "anti unfication" are too simple to grasp the complex and diverse perspectives that now exist in South Korea. The students discussed vividly their views and interesting debates about the challenges and opportunities of potential reunification erupted. FNF Korea enjoyed the exchange with the students very much and it was a great pleasure to hear so many arguments and considerations. The younger generation has a a very well reflected approach that transcendcs traditional clear cut left-right divisions. We are looking forward to further engage in discussions in the future, hearing the views of the younger generations.