Publications :
The New West
The value-based Western model – which combines open societies, free markets, democracy, the rule of law, and human rights – has experienced multiple crises since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. None, however, compares to today’s challenge to this “Western model of democracy”
Secret Charm
The paper features case studies on China’s influence in eight countries or territories in Southeast Europe, conducted by local experts. The authors assess China’s investments, its image and the appeal of its governance model in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia.
Sky Chatuchinda
Indo-Pacific Threats, Security and Cooperation
The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Southeast and East Asia and Dr. Alix Valenti have collaborated to produce “Indo-pacific threats, security and cooperation” a policy paper based on the findings of the INDOPAC (Indo-Pacific) Security Conference on the 5th of September 2022
Guidebook for Strong and independent Media
Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in collaboration with The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany, and with The Institute of Democracy, Media and Culture Exchange as well as with local partners started a three-year educational project for the journalists of South Caucasus, as a result, the foundation published an educational guidebook for independent journalists.
Private Property-Economic Freedom 100 Questions - 100 Answers
With the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, we present the publication with the Center for Economic Transformation on current economic trends in Georgia.