Women in politics

Armenia ranks 71th amongst 146 countries in the Global Gender Gap Index 2023, Political Empowerment sub index and 139th by health and survival sub index (World Economic Forum, 2023). In the World Bank’s 2021 Women, Business and Law Index (The World Bank, 2021) which assesses countries’ performance in achieving SDGs and the impact of their legislation on women’s equal opportunities, Armenia scores relatively well at 82.5 out of 100, which is close to the average for high-income countries (with a score of 85,9).
However, the index reveals challenges in Armenia related to women's entry into the labour market, existence of occupational segregation, and gender wage gap. On the positive note, it also shows that Armenia is in a good state in terms of legislative efforts.
Despite a number of steps aimed at promoting women’s participation in recent years, inequality between women and men in practice continues to have a negative impact at all levels of socio-economic development, ranging from the protection of individual freedoms to fair and inclusive decision-making.
This report analyzes the current situation and proposes recommendations to policy-makers, which aims to decrease the existing gaps.