Mediterranean Dialogue
What worries young people nowadays?

The Med Fest event will take place next Thursday the 24th November, which will bring together highly important topics for the European Mediterranean region concerning the crystal generation: the impact of the triple crisis, diversity, fake news and the increase of populism, migration and entrepreneurship.
Young people nowadays - “the crystal generation, born after 2000” - have suffered several crises (Covid, financial debt, the war in Ukraine, climate change) before even entering the workforce, on top of the context of lack of stability and opportunities. In the face of this, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom has created The Med Fest. In this first edition, the aim is for young people to express themselves, set their goals and come together, sharing experiences for a great future.
Next Thursday, the 24th November starting at 15:30, the highly anticipated first event will take place at COAM in Madrid. A festival for young people to have the chance to come together and look at the issues that concern them from a social perspective. They will be joined by experts, stakeholders, influencers, artists and musicians, to share their deep analysis, opinions, experiences and knowledge around these key issues for the future.
The 1st Edition of The New Med Fest arrives stronger than ever, to show young people a more positive vision of the region. “We have high hopes and we’re sure that in the years to come, we’ll be able to position the festival as THE Mediterranean event where everyone wants to be at, because it’s informational, fun and creative”, says David Henneberger, director of the Foundation for Spain. For sure, a “meeting place for young people to address current affairs and come up with solutions with the help of experts, because the young people today are the future of tomorrow”
More information about the agenda, times and registration:
A meeting place for young people to address current affairs and come up with solutions with the help of experts, because the young people today are the future of tomorrow.