2015 CSO Sustainability Index for Sub-Saharan Africa - Cote d'Ivoire

The Level of Development of Ivorian Civil Society Organisations now Measured

The first report of the Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index (CSOSI) for Côte d'Ivoire was presented on Thursday 9 March 2017 to the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.

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This index describes, according to seven fundamental dimensions, the progress and failures of civil society in terms of development for the year 2015. 

Each year a committee of specialists made up of Civil Society Organisations (CSO) practitioners and researchers in each country included in the ranking produce the reports.

The committees assess each dimension of CSO development on the basis of the key indicators and agree on a score that can range from 1 (for The most developed) to 7 (for the most in difficulty).

A score between 1 and 3 describes an enabling environment for CSOs. A score between 3 and 5 represents a changing situation and 5 to 7 means that development is hampered for CSOs.

For the first 2015 edition, Côte d'Ivoire has a rating of 4.9 (development in evolution) or a changing situation.