Freedom & Innovation
The 2019 Africa Freedom Innovation Challenge

Do you have what it takes to innovate for freedom?

FNF is looking for creative, innovative ideas to tackle freedom challenges in Africa. The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) in Africa presents to you the Africa Freedom Innovation Challenge. This is a startup competition to promote citizen participation in the areas of good governance, economic participation, the fight against bureaucracy and corruption, and promotion of human rights, using innovative solutions. The winning proposals will receive a small grant to put their idea in practice before the end of October, 2019.

“Liberals look to the future. The political challenges that we have today require new solutions and an indomitable spirit for reform.” Former FNF Chairperson of the Board of Trustees Dr. Jürgen Morlok quoted recently at the FNF Innovation Hub in Hong Kong. The Foundation is taking a stronger stance in its approach to innovation, reinforcing that freedom means progress. We therefore aim to continue promoting social innovation, offering solutions to build a free, open, inclusive and advancing society. 

How can you take part?

We are looking for sub-Saharan African groups or individuals to present new, innovative idea to solving a local or national or regional challenge related to good governance, economic participation, fighting corruption or promoting human rights. Simply send your idea to FNF in Johannesburg, indicating precisely what your innovation entails, what your innovation will accomplish, and your estimate of how much it will cost, in maximum 450 words. The deadline is Friday July 12th, 2019. The best ten ideas from sub-Saharan Africa will be invited to pitch their ideas in writing to FNF (between July 22nd and August 16th). To do this they will receive a grant of 500 Euros. 

The top two ideas will receive a grant of up to 5000 Euro from the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom to help them bring their ideas to reality (between August 26th and October 18th). The winning projects will be publicly presented and made public. They will be selected on the basis of innovative strength, effectiveness, originality, multiplier strength and user-friendliness in promoting citizen participation through digital and technological means to promote values ​​of freedom such as good governance, economic participation, the fight against bureaucracy and corruption and the promotion of human rights. Another element will be the ability to adapt the project to other African locations. The involvement of women and young people and disadvantaged groups such as ethnic minorities, albinos and LGBTQI+ people in the democratic process is emphasized.

The projects may include, for example, computer and smartphone applications ("apps"), multimedia projects, arts, board games and computer games, or social media projects. Be creative! The winning idea will be invited to the Global Innovation Challenge in Berlin, Germany on November 6th, 2019.

#FreeToAdvance #UnitedNationsOfInnovation

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