FNF Launches 'Freedom versus' Podcast Series
8 Episode Podcast Series Examining Perennial Topics


Gwen Ngwenya has a masters degree in Economics with a specialisation in Competition Economics. She has worked as an economic researcher in New Delhi working on merger and acquisition deals in the pharmaceutical, airline and cement industries. Following her time in India she moved to the UK and worked as a financial analyst for Bloomberg covering Europe, Middle East and Africa. In 2015 she moved back to South Africa to manage Bloomberg’s business in South Africa with international banks and key government agencies. She is now the Chief Operating Officer at the South African Institute of Race Relations (IRR). Gwen is widely published and regularly appears on TV and radio.

Mark Oppenheimer is a practicing advocate and member of the Johannesburg Bar. He has represented newspapers threatened by defamation suits, individuals that were wrongfully arrested by the police and property owners that have been mistreated by municipalities. Mark has appeared on various media platforms and is a well-known speaker at civil society events. He has also written a series of articles on non-racial affirmative action, property rights and threats to free speech for various publications.

Producer: Cecelia Kok, Head of Research and Advocacy Projects Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.

Visuals & Graphics: Mthoba Chapi, Communications Officer Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.

Audio: Greg Cohen, CliffCentral.


'Freedom versus'

Thursdays 18:00 – 19:00 with Gwen Ngwenya & Mark Oppenheimer on



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