Bobi Wine under attack in Uganda again

Another chapter of police violence in Uganda
Bobi Wine

Bobi Wine bei einer Pressekonferenz 2022 / picture alliance / ASSOCIATED PRESS | Hajarah Nalwadda

An interview with Masechaba Masemola waMdaka, Regional Programme Officer FNF Sub-Saharan Africa

Interviewer: Ms Masemola, on 3 September, Bobi Wine, the well-known Ugandan opposition leader, was 'shot' in Bulindo. Can you tell us what happened that day and what significance this incident has?
Masechaba Masemola: Of course. Early that evening, Bobi Wine and his delegation visited George Musisi, a National Unity Platform (NUP) MP. After the meeting, a procession moved towards Bulindo town. However, the procession was interrupted by the police and the military and a clash ensued. Live ammunition was fired at the crowds and Bobi Wine was injured in the leg. Although he is in stable condition, the situation is alarming. This incident is a clear example of the continued lawlessness of the Ugandan security forces, which severely impinge on citizens' right to freedom of assembly and movement.

Masechaba Masemola-Mdaka

Masechaba Masemola-Mdaka, Regionale Programmbeauftragte im Regionalbüro Subsahara-Afrika.

Interviewer: What does this incident mean in the context of the current political situation in Uganda, especially in view of the upcoming presidential elections in 2026?
Masechaba Masemola: It is important to see this incident in the context of escalating tensions, especially since the NUP launched its nationwide tour in April 2024. Since then, we have seen an increase in police brutality against NUP supporters and arbitrary arrests, torture and abductions. The attack on Bobi Wine is just the latest example of a targeted campaign aimed at intimidating and silencing opposition figures. The upcoming 2026 elections are already casting their shadow and it is feared that such incidents will continue to increase.

Interviewer: How is the National Unity Platform reacting to this incident and what do you expect from the international community?
Masechaba Masemola: The National Unity Platform has condemned this attack on its leader in the strongest possible terms. The Secretary General of the NUP, David Lewis Rubongoya, has made it clear that this is the fourth targeted attack on Bobi Wine in recent years: ‘We call for a thorough investigation and expect the international community to focus more attention on human rights violations in Uganda. Bobi Wine is currently receiving medical care and we will keep both our supporters and our international partners informed of his situation. It is crucial that we continue to build pressure to stop such brutal abuses and protect people's rights.’