#FallingWallsLab Abidjan 2017

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom is organising a major event in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire called Falling Walls Lab Abidjan 2017.
FallingWallsLab Abidjan 2017

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom is organising a major event in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire called "Falling Walls Lab Abidjan 2017" aiming to promote entrepreneurship and scientific research, especially among young people. Entrepreneurs, scientists and interested parties are on Thursday 13 April 2017 invited to attend #MeetUp "Speech to Entrepreneurs" from 14:00 (GMT) at #Jokkolabs to their perspective and experiences on the entrepreneurship environment in Côte d'Ivoire. The organisation will use this event to lauch #FallingWallsLab.

Falling Walls Lab

Falling Walls Lab is an international competition for students, PhD students, post-doctoral fellows and entrepreneurs from around the world.

It is a platform for participants to present their scientific research and social or corporate innovation projects to a jury from academia and industry. It covers most fields including agriculture, medicine, economics, engineering, human sciences, etc.

This competition will be preceded by two days of training for thirty promoters who will be selected in advance from all those who have applied. After the training, twenty twenty participants will be selected and invited to compete at the Falling Walls Lab Abidjan on 29 June 2017.

Participants will compete with the selected candidates to present their own research, visions, business models or innovative ideas relevant to the world today. Each presentation of three minutes will be evaluated based on the following criteria: innovative, relevance, social impact, structure and performance.

Falling Walls Lab

Falling Walls Lab is held throughout the year in more than 50 countries. The winner of each national Falling Walls Lab then qualifies for the final in Berlin, which takes place each year on 8 November. 

Please contact Mr. Magloire N'Dehi at 22 48 45 30 or 02 46 99 17 / for more information on the event. Online Registration: