FNF Africa Celebrating 5 Years in Cote d'Ivoire

Our Cote d'Ivoire Celebrates 5 Years Since it's Reopening on 3 March 2012

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom’s office in Abidjan is celebrating the 5th anniversary of the reopening of the office in Cote d’Ivoire. The office was forced to close down in the 1990s due to socio-political instability that resulted in the 1999 military coup. The office was reopened on the 3rd of March 2012.

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The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom sub-Saharan Africa (FNF Africa) has therefore organised a celebratory event for Friday the 3rd of March 2017 at the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom garden in Cocody-Danga, Abidjan. 

We have invited some of our partners that include a number of Embassies that we partner with, German political foundations, German cooperation agencies, civil society organisations, various media and other interested parties in Cote d’Ivoire. 

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FNF in Cote d’Ivoire, in partnership with the Ministry of Ivorians Abroad and African Integration, has recently been organising a campaign about the dangers of irregular migration in different provinces in Cote d’Ivoire. The campaign was highly publicised and was discussed by the Ministers Council at the end of 2016. FNF will continue with the campaign, working with youth associations in different parts of the country. 

Inge Herbert also shares what FNF sub-Saharan Africa aims to achieve in Cote d’Ivoire in the near future. “Our future goals in Cote d’Ivoire are to firstly strengthen the formulation and articulation of liberal policies by liberal partners. Secondly we aim to create and advocate opportunities for young people through entrepreneurship, ensuring their inclusion in decision making/taking and that they participate in campaigns. Thirdly we aim to strengthen human rights through a yearly human rights month focussing on a key topic. Lastly we aim to further develop and advocate for an innovative model in land rights with partner Audace Institut Afrique.” 

At the event, a youth alumni panel along with the Minister of Youth, Civic Education and Sport in Cote d’Ivoire will be giving testimonials and sharing experience with the Foundation. We will also get to share some of our future goals in Cote d’Ivoire as we continue to work for a progressive liberal Africa for Freedom. 

Follow the events of the celebration on our Facebook page