FNF Sub-Saharan Africa Freiheitstag

FNF Freedom Day(s) 2017
Freiheitstag, or Freedom Day,

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom is hosting Freiheitstag, or Freedom Day, in the countries where we have representation in the sub-Saharan Africa region. The purpose of the events are to assist German voters, who are currently living in and around the cities where we have presence namely, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Harare, Dar es Salaam, Abidjan and Dakar, with their registration process for the September 2017 German elections. If you would like to get more information on the elections and how you can vote in the elections please email

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At this point you will find an external content that complements the content. You can display it with one click.

At this point you will find an external content that complements the content. You can display it with one click.