Freedom Means Change

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation is Changing
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Our world is changing. Borders are open and new hurdles emerge. Many feel powerless against the power of individuals. Extreme voices get louder. Political developments at home and abroad call into question liberal democracy and its achievements - for society as well as for the individual. It is only when we change where can find tomorrow's answers to today's questions. 

We always aim to live up to our claim of being liberal innovators. That is why we have initiated a foundation-wide process that sharpens our messages inward and outward and strengthens our powers of persuasion. The drive behind this joint process of change is our vision: "The Friedrich Naumann Foundation is the creative innovation platform for the social mediation of freedom."  

Freedom has been our mission for over 60 years. We continue with working for human and civil rights in over 60 countries. We are working on positions, responses and offers that express our liberal beliefs in order to win as many people as possible for freedom. We continue to follow our tradition to shape the future.