Good Governance - A Key to Prosperity

A Key to Prosperity

The executive committee of Liberal International (LI) met in Johannesburg, South Africa on 28/29 October 2017. Professor Karl-Heinz Paqué, deputy chairman of the Foundation and LI vice-president, attended the event, which was held under the banner of “good governance”. He found that this theme was anything but theoretical: a look around revealed the impact of bad governance everywhere. Bad governance hinders the people of the great “rainbow nation”, as South Africans refer to their country, from making the best use of their opportunities. What they need is “Freedom You Can Use”, the slogan of the Democratic Alliance (DA), South Africa’s liberal opposition.

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This is what needs to happen in Johannesburg too, a city which has for many years been at the forefront of the world’s corruption and crime rankings. Walking through Joburg (one of the resident’s nicknames for their city), the impact of bad governance is clearly visible: large numbers of abandoned high-rise buildings, “broken windows” without prospects. And in among the desolation, a largely poor, black population hoping and praying for “business, jobs and skills” to return to the inner city – along with a stimulating urban life rich in opportunities. For this to happen, there have to be systematic urban renewal programmes which make it attractive and enjoyable to live and work in the city centre. Joburg’s new city council is taking its task seriously, and there’s a palpable buzz throughout the city. The plans are ambitious and the time is short – residents tend to become impatient if they don’t see quick progress. But at least a start has been made. What the DA is doing could become a model for Africa and throughout the world. One more reason for Liberal International to adopt its new Declaration on Better Governance in Johannesburg, following on from the comprehensive Liberal Manifesto adopted in Andorra in May. The new declaration summarises a broad list of demands in the fight against bad governance, where the state exists for the self-enrichment of powerful clans, families or parties. It makes freedom tangible: “Freedom You Can Use”, the best chance of a better future for all.