South Africa's ICC Withdrawal Case Judgement

ANC Government Must Rethink the Wisdom of ICC Withdrawal

The DA welcomes the judgement handed down on 22 February 2017 by the North Gauteng High Court confirming that the ANC-led government’s withdrawal from the International Criminal Court (ICC) was unconstitutional, irrational and procedurally flawed.

This is a victory for the rule of law the and indeed for our country’s human rights-based foreign policy which Zuma and his cronies have tried so hard to depart from.

The ANC-led government now has an opportunity to reconsider the wisdom of withdrawing from the ICC and we urge them to do so. 

South Africa is currently out of step with other progressive and democratic African countries who have reaffirmed their commitment to the ICC.

South Africa does not want to be lumped together with pariah states who have no respect for human rights and who do not subscribe to accountability for those guilty of the most heinous human rights violations.

Instead, we should recommit our country to the human rights-based foreign policy spearheaded by the late President Nelson Mandela.

This judgement also confirms yet another breach of the Constitution, this time Section 231, and only and illustrates the ANC’s willingness to steamroll over the founding principles of our country.

Clearly Zuma and his ANC have absolutely no respect for the Constitution.

The DA will therefore be investigating avenues to hold those responsible for this breach, to account.