Europe has greater bargaining chip with China than the US

US-China Trade war

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The United States’ protectionist policy for its manufacturing industry, its involvement in maritime issues in Southeast Asia, and its dwindling economy put Europe ahead of the United States when it comes to negotiating trade with China.

Shi Ming, a journalist from Beijing who has lived in Berlin for years, talks about China’s partiality with Europe with regard to trade. “Trump and Beijing both bring political factors into economic issues. Trump’s administration presents itself as a very assertive negotiator while the European Union appears in China’s eyes as a little bit friendlier,” comments Ming.

He also mentions how the US is fighting to bring back manufacturing in to the country, and that this situation is a far contrast to Germany. “Germany has one problem lesser than the Americans. Its manufacturing industry is thriving, and this brings them to a very good position to negotiate with China,” adds Ming.

As dark clouds loom over the US economy, Ming advises that Europe takes its chance and explore trade deals with China. “The European economy, at least at this time, is regarded as relatively stable. Europe has to use this chance.”

The interview with Shi Ming is part of an ongoing study of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF), a German liberal organization. FNF is looking into the trend and impact of protectionism especially on international trade that involves China.

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Journalist Shi Ming advises Europe to take its chance on trade