FNF Innovation Hub: A showcase of reforms

Innovation Hub group

“Liberals look to the future. The political challenges that we have today require new solutions, and an indomitable spirit for reform. The Foundation is ready to offer that,” said FNF Chairman of the Board of Trustees Dr. Juergen Morlok.

Morlok joined the presentation of FNF’s Global Innovation Hub on 7 November 2017 in Hong Kong.

The idea to open an Innovation Hub was prompted by the growing threat of populism and authoritarianism, and the Foundation recognized the need to be avant-garde in its approach in countering these attacks on democracy. FNF similarly acknowledged that technology continues to disrupt not only industries but also societies. Its Innovation Hub therefore promotes social innovation, offering novel solutions to build a better, more inclusive, and freer society - reinforcing that liberals mean progress.

Democratic Party of Hong Kong (DPHK) Founding Chairman Martin Lee shared the current predicament in Hong Kong, but stressed that he remained optimistic in spite of these problems. “Liberals are optimists because we believe that people can rise up to any challenge. We trust that individuals have the capacity to decide what’s best for themselves, and that’s always a silver lining in every dark cloud,” remarked Lee.

Innovation Hub Martin Lee

(From left to right) Martin Lee, Siegfried Herzog, and Dr. Juergen Morlok

The FNF Global Innovation Hub comes as Asia rapidly takes the place of innovation superpower. “Hong Kong is a beacon of progress and innovation, and the FNF Innovation Hub shall further showcase that to the world,” said Siegfried Herzog, FNF Regional Director for Southeast and East Asia.

Innovation Hub crowd

Head of FNF Global Innovation Hub Armin Reinartz explains how the Foundation intends to respond to global trends through innovation.