Freedom-Journey with us!

PH Bea Fojas

I like trying different cuisines, and the Philippines offers that. Having to try various dishes is like exploring the world, and that’s freedom for me. #FNFSEEAsia

How do you best experience freedom in Southeast and East Asia?

Tell us through your pictures! If you live in Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, or if you have travelled to any of these places, post your photo with a short caption answering the question: How do you best experience freedom in Southeast and East Asia? Publish it on either Facebook or Instagram with #FNFSEEAsia .

The Regional Office for Southeast and East Asia (SEEAsia) of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) would like to curate your Freedom Fotos in an online gallery to showcase freedom as an experience, and as a reminder of the value of freedom. We usually relate freedom to independence from colonial rule, the absence of tyranny or oppression, or to concepts like freedom of expression or freedom of association. We would like to find out how these translate in your daily lives, and how you enjoy these freedoms.

Post your picture, and get featured on FNF’s facebook page! We will select one Freedom Foto every week, which will then be part of our Facebook-likes contest at the end of each month. The winner will be our Freedom Explorer, and will receive our Freedom Journey package.

Freedom Foto is part of the Freedom Journey ASIA campaign, an educative effort to make people realize the value of freedom and democracy in their daily lives.

PH Ryan Ballesteros

Transportation is easy and convenient in Hong Kong. That allowed me to be more mobile, and made me feel more free! #FNFSEEAsia