Freedom means change

FNF introduces new logo
Freedom punkt

For 60 years, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) has worked around the world to promote freedom, democracy, the rule of law, human rights, and the social market economy. Freedom means more to us than just a random entry on a list of priorities. We consider freedom to be non-negotiable.

The new challenges presented by the rising tide of illiberalism require fresh solutions. The underlying fundamentals of freedom remain the same: the inviolability of human dignity and the rule of law, the protection of human rights and civil democracy, and the pursuit of a social market economy. However, our approach so that people will embrace these values has to change. FNF is the creative innovation platform for the promotion of freedom.

Part of this innovation is introducing a new logo that highlights the basis of our work:

The name of Friedrich Naumann from whom the Foundation anchors its belief on civic education as a prerequisite for political participation and thus for democracy is now more prominent

A full stop follows after the word freedom, signifying its importance. Working For Freedom is a emboldening statement.

FNF offers engaging formats to advance civic education, providing solid expertise and competence on global trends, and building a strong network of local partners and international allies. This will continue – in a more digital and interactive way, and in a more grounded and empathetic approach.

Because freedom means change.