More freedom means more innovation

Driver of Innovation Lawrence Hui

“Apart from lesser government intervention, a supportive social environment where everyone especially the youth are encouraged to try and start businesses on their own is important for innovation to thrive,” said Lawrence Hui, a startup entrepreneur based in Hong Kong.

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) Regional Office for Southeast and East Asia launches its podcast series entitled Drivers of Innovation. Hui guests for its initial episode, and talks about how Hong Kong has embraced a new startup culture.

“In the Chinese culture, the older generation expects the young to follow their elders’ footsteps, or at least to find a stable job. But fortunately this is changing. In Hong Kong, we are free to choose what we would like to do with our own career. The social environment has been a nurturing ground for entrepreneurs. Universities are also acknowledging the potential of young people to start their own business,” shared Hui.

Drivers of Innovation explores stories like this where innovation means more than introducing new technology. “Innovation is simply defined as a new idea, and this is what we would like to showcase – novel solutions that people in different fields initiate to build a better, more inclusive, and freer society,” said Armin Reinartz, Head of FNF Global Innovation Hub. Reinartz hosts the podcast series.

The first podcast episode is available on iTunes and on SoundCloud under Drivers of Innovation. The video podcast can be viewed here.

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Driver of Innovation Lawrence Hui talks about the global trend in technology, and the startup culture in Hong Kong