See Asia, Experience Freedom

Freedom Journey ASIA

The Philippines toppled a dictator, and restored democracy in a non-violent protest in 1986. What came to be known as the People Power Revolution served as an inspiration for pro-democracy uprisings in other parts of the world.

“From a country ravaged by war and poverty, to a world-class, high-tech OECD economy,” the economic transformation of South Korea is an example of a compelling story of free market and innovation.

Indonesia has a long history of corruption. The dire situation emboldened the institutionalization of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in 2002, which is now the country’s most trusted public office, and an internationally renowned anti-corruption agency.

These stories on the continuing journey to democracy of Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam will be unraveled in Freedom Journey ASIA.

The Regional Office for Southeast and East Asia (SEEAsia) of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) is launching the Freedom Journey ASIA campaign as an educative effort to make people realize the value of democracy and freedom in their daily lives.

“People aren’t remembering things the same way, and this has given rise to populism as well as fake news,” said FNF Regional Director Siegfried Herzog. “Part of our initiative is to present Freedom Facts where we will highlight important points in history in the struggle for freedom, in the hope of making everyone appreciate their relevance today,” he explained.

Freedom Journey ASIA also includes Freedom Fotos, a crowdsourcing of pictures that best showcase how freedom is experienced in Asia.

FNF is a German liberal foundation that promotes participatory democracy, human rights and the rule of law, and free market.