Working for freedom is not easy

FNF SEEAsia awards long-time staff
SEEAsia awards

Practice what you preach. FNF advocates freedom, or doing what one wants without restraint. In the office, it employs the same principle in the workplace, too.

“The Foundation has given me the opportunity to explore different horizons, and this has allowed me to grow. I've stayed with FNF for 23 years because I cherish the commitment it has to liberal values, which are palpable in the way organization is run, too,” said Khim Sophanna, FNF Regional Network Manager.

FNF Regional Director for Southeast & East Asia Moritz Kleine-Brockhoff awarded Khim, Andrea Lauerbach, and Surasak Jamsuk who have been with the Foundation for 23, 22, and 20 years respectively. In a simple ceremony on 5 March 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand, Kleine-Brockhoff handed them a plaque recognizing their commitment to the promotion of freedom.

“Our work has intensified given the rise of populism and authoritarianism. It’s not easy, but Sophanna, Andrea, Pop, and also Pett are undaunted by these challenges,” said Moritz Kleine-Brockhoff. He also thanked the staff for keeping the office workflow efficient.

Lauerbach, senior auditor, is leaving the Foundation to move back to Germany. “It’s not easy to be popular when you’re the one scrutinizing receipts, but Andrea has our appreciation for helping us comply with the accounting rules,” remarked Kleine-Brockhoff.

Jamsuk, the office’s early bird – quietly and diligently getting things done before deadlines, is FNF’s stellar accountant. “FNF is a family, and that makes the job gratifying,” he shared. Jamsuk is also an NBA basketball fan. He roots for Miami Heat, which has long lost its fame, but remained his favorite. “His loyalty to the team is like his devotion to the Foundation. Advocacy work is not fancy, but Pop chooses to stay,” said Kleine-Brockhoff.

The occasion was also a sent off to FNF Regional Program Manager Pett Jarupaiboon who shall pursue further studies. Jarupaiboon was in charge of FNF’s work on economic freedom and human rights. Kleine-Brockhoff described Jarupaiboon as passionate.

It’s not easy working for freedom. Nobody said it was. But for Khim, Lauerbach, Jamsuk, and Jarupaiboon, it’s always worth it.