Jordan Hosts NATO’s First Liaison Office in the Middle East and North Africa


In an unprecedented move, NATO and the Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs have announced the opening of the alliance’s first liaison office in Amman, Jordan. This landmark office is the first of its kind in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, aimed at enhancing strategic cooperation and political dialogue between NATO and Jordan.

The announcement has sparked widespread debate in Jordan and across the region, igniting deep discussions on the potential geopolitical, military, and economic implications of this step. While some view this move as a strategic shift for Jordan, others are skeptical about its potential consequences for the region amid current tensions.

Strategic Move or New Crisis?
Supporters view the opening of NATO’s liaison office as a crucial step that solidifies Jordan’s position as a key regional player and a steadfast ally of Europe and the United States. They believe that Jordan’s strategic geographic location and historical role in regional stability are primary factors that made it an ideal center, prompting NATO to take this extraordinary step in the MENA region.

Proponents see the office as a mechanism to enhance intelligence exchange, cooperation in combating terrorism, and building the capacities of Jordanian security forces. Additionally, some analysts believe the liaison office could serve as a launch point to bolster economic cooperation, potentially encouraging NATO countries to increase their investments in Jordan. This could enhance infrastructure, the defense industry, and create more job opportunities, which have become a significant concern for both the government and Jordanian youth, especially in light of high unemployment rates in recent years.

Conversely, the opposing viewpoint encompasses various local, regional, and international concerns. Critics of this move express fears that it might undermine Jordanian sovereignty by having Western forces on its soil and increase the risk of involvement in external conflicts, escalating tensions with other regional powers as an expansion of NATO.

A Long History of Cooperation
The establishment of this office comes after nearly three decades of deep bilateral relations between Jordan and NATO, which began in 1996 through NATO’s Mediterranean Dialogue. The “Eager Lion” military exercise, in which Jordan has participated continuously since 2005, is part of this longstanding cooperation.

The two sides signed their first package for building defense capacities in 2014, which was renewed in 2017 and 2021, reflecting the strength of their relationship. Jordan benefits from this cooperation by receiving advanced military training, combating terrorism, and gaining logistical support and expertise.

The Office’s Role and Objectives
The liaison office is expected to enhance political dialogue and cooperation in areas of mutual interest between Jordan and NATO. The office will work on fostering continuous communication between the two parties, contributing to a deeper understanding of national and regional contexts, and achieving tangible progress in implementing partnership programs and activities.

These programs include organizing conferences and training courses in strategic analysis, emergency planning, public diplomacy, cybersecurity, climate change management, and crisis management.

In conclusion, the opening of NATO’s liaison office in Amman is a significant step towards enhancing international and regional cooperation in security and stability. It reflects Jordan’s commitment to developing its relations with its allies and contributing to achieving security and peace in the region.