Hidden Champions: Learning from Unknown World Market Leaders with Prof. Simon

On January 30th, 2018, Foreign Trade University (FTU) was honored to welcome Professor Hermann Simon - the world's leading expert on marketing and strategy had a talk and shared in the seminar on "Hidden Champions".

Prof. Hermann Simon delivered a speech at Foreign Trade University


On January 30th, 2018, Foreign Trade University (FTU) was honored to welcome Professor Hermann Simon - the world's leading expert on marketing and strategy had a talk and shared in the seminar on "Hidden Champions – The Vanguard of Globalia: Learning from Unknown World Market Leaders".

The seminar had the support and cooperation of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in Hanoi, Vietnam (FNF Vietnam) and the Business Concept Innovation.

Prof. Hermann Simon is known as one of the leading researchers in management and a marketing and strategic consultant who has great influence in the world, especially about pricing strategies. He is also the Honorary President of the strategic consulting company "Simon-Kucher & Partners". Prof. Philip Kotler has stated that "No one knows more about price strategy than Simon-Kucher".


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