Seminar: "Adjusting Chinese foreign policy after the 19th Party Congress"

To learn about China's new foreign policy as well as its impact on Vietnam - VCES in cooperation with the Vietnam Friedrich Naumann Foundation holds Seminar no. 22 titled "Adjusting Chinese foreign policy after the 19th Party Congress’’
Pham Sy Thanh

The Chinese expert Pham Sy Thanh of VEPR

VEPR’s Chinese Economic Studies Program (VCES) organizes the series Seminar on "Chinese Economic and Strategic Research " every two months to promote scientific exchange activities of domestic and foreign researchers about the Chinese political and economic-related issues.

The 19th Congress of the Communist Party of China took place at the end of October 2017 in the context of China with complicated changes and happenings. Apart from the great achievements in the 5 years of the 18th Party Congress, China has been confronting enormous challenges. Besides, the 19th Congress of the Communist Party of China also took place in the context of the world and the region having many complex and unpredictable changes. All of these objective factors mentioned above are indispensable elements in the process in which the new Chinese leaders plan foreign strategies in the coming term in the aim of enhancing China's strength and position in the international arena.

To learn about China's new foreign policy as well as its impact on Vietnam - VCES in cooperation with the Vietnam Friedrich Naumann Foundation holds Seminar no. 22 titled "Adjusting Chinese foreign policy after the 19th Party Congress’’. VCES, FNF Vietnam would like to invite you to attend the Seminar.

Time: 9am – 12pm on March 6, 2018 (Tuesday)
Place: Sunwah Hall, 1st floor, ULIS Cultural Center - Jonathan KS. Choi, 144 Xuan Thuy, Hanoi.

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