Central America
Honduras projected itself as a dynamic and attractive destination at the World Business Forum

Honduras se proyectó como destino dinámico y atractivo en el World Business Forum
© World Business Forum. 2024

The World Business Forum Latin America 2024, organized by the National Association of Industrialists (ANDI) in collaboration with the Latin American Association of Industrialists (AILA), was held with great success on May 15 and 16 at the prestigious Copantl Convention Center and Hotel in San Pedro Sula.

The Honduran Tourism Institute, present at the event, reaffirmed its commitment to positioning Honduras as a dynamic and attractive destination for Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Conventions, Exhibitions, and Events (MICE). Their participation underscored the importance of these gatherings in promoting tourism and attracting investments that benefit the local economy.

The important event brought together leaders and representatives from various industries to discuss and analyze critical issues for the economic and industrial development of the region.

Stand de Honduras
© World Business Forum. 2024

The forum's inauguration was attended by the Minister of Governance, Tomás Vaquero, and the Deputy Minister of Tourism, Luis Chévez. Both officials, along with Anabell Gallardo, president of the Honduran Council of Private Enterprise (COHEP), actively participated in the discussions, highlighting the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors to drive sustainable economic growth in Latin America.

During the two days of the event, topics of vital interest to the region were addressed, such as sustainability, technological innovation, regional integration, and strategies to improve the competitiveness of Latin American industries. Participants shared knowledge and presented concrete proposals to address common challenges, aiming to foster more equitable and sustainable economic development.

Feria Honduras.
© World Business Forum . 2024

In the framework of the forum, the need to adopt sustainable practices and innovative technologies to ensure long-term growth was emphasized. The panelists highlighted how regional integration can be a key driver for development, allowing Latin American countries to compete more effectively in the global market.

The success of the World Business Forum Latin America 2024 in San Pedro Sula demonstrates the region's ability to organize large and relevant events, thereby strengthening its role on the global economic stage. With initiatives like this, Honduras and the other participating countries continue to move towards a more prosperous and sustainable future.