Collective Identity Project
The Collective Identity Project: Youth in Politics


Freedom, diversity, and education are the cornerstones of Lebanese identity. In collaboration with young politicians committee at Studio Madane, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) in Beirut has undertaken an exploration of Lebanon’s collective identity—an area that has not been thoroughly examined in the modern era.

Insights on Youth Political Engagement

Before October 17, 2019, Lebanese youth were increasingly disenchanted with the country's political system, leading many to consider emigration. This growing discontent culminated in the October 17th protests, known as Thawra, where the youth played a pivotal role in demanding change. While these protests initially sparked hope for political, social, and economic transformation, recent trends reveal a troubling decline in political engagement among Lebanese youth, coupled with a growing sense of frustration and a fragmented national identity.

In response, FNF Beirut, in partnership with Studio Madane, has embarked on the Collective Identity Project. This initiative, central to Studio Madane's mission, explores whether the absence of a unified Lebanese identity and the presence of fragmented micro-identities contribute to the political disengagement of Lebanese youth. Through a comprehensive research study conducted between May and August 2024, the project delves into the complexities of Lebanese national identity and its impact on youth political participation.

Findings from the study indicate a significant correlation between the lack of a cohesive national identity and the low levels of political engagement among Lebanese youth. By addressing these issues, the research aims to highlight the importance of creating strategies for re-engaging youth in shaping Lebanon's future.

Discover this publication developed by Studio Madane, offering valuable insights into collective identity, which could become a foundational reference for future studies and papers on this significant topic.

Read the full publication here