Nobel Peace Prize
Nobel Prize to Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov: Important message for press freedom

TThe Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom is excited that Maria Ressa has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, along with Dmitry Muratov. Ms Ressa is the founder and chief executive of “Rappler”, an online medium in the Philippines, which has been a partner of the Naumann-Foundation for years. Rappler and the Foundation cooperate regarding media literacy and media freedom. We jointly organize seminars and cooperate on publications, such as, at the end of last year, on the production of a film about female journalists in the Philippines, who pay a high price for telling the truth
Truth is an important weapon against autocrats. The Nobel Prize to Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov explicitly recognises the struggle of independent journalism against disinformation. An important message for press freedom worldwide.

Maria Ressa has been prosecuted for almost three years. She and Rappler have been under pressure for much longer - probably mainly because they criticise Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. Back in 2014, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation awarded Ms Ressa a prize, the "Freedom Flame", for her tireless work for press freedom in the Philippines. Now she has well-deservedly received the greatest of all prizes, the Nobel Peace Prize. Once again, congratulations Maria Ressa!
Congratulations on the Nobel Peace Prize to Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov . They all present journalists who stand up for the increasingly threatened freedom of the press. Freedom of the press and freedom of expression are prerequisites for a liberal democracy.

Auch Dmitri Muratow ist ein mit der Stiftung eng vertrauter Journalist. Zuletzt sprach er auf der Stiftungsveranstaltung zur Verleihung des Boris Nemzow Preises am 20. Juni 2018 in Bonn über unabhängigen Journalismus im Ringen gegen Propaganda, Desinformation und Gewalt.
Nadezhda Mityushkina erhält den Boris-Nemtsov-Preis 2018

Der 2015 ermorderte Boris Nemtsov war ein Hoffnungsträger in Russland. In Gedenken an ihn wurde nun bereits zum dritten Mal der Boris-Nemtsov-Preis verliehen.