Countdown to Christmas
12 - Solidarity

IAF Advent #12
  • Solidarity refers to the unity and mutual support among individuals or groups, especially during difficult times or in the pursuit of common goals.
  • It involves a sense of shared responsibility, empathy, and a commitment to stand together in support of each other. Solidarity can manifest in various forms, such as offering assistance, showing compassion, or advocating for justice and equality.
  • It is a fundamental concept in social and political contexts, emphasizing the importance of collective action and collaboration to address challenges and promote positive change.
  • Solidarity is often associated with community, cooperation, and a recognition of the interconnectedness of individuals or communities.
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While we at IAF are often impressed by the great work of our colleagues in the FNF offices around the world, this project stood out for me this year: 15 artists from 10 different Europeancountries came together in a bootcamp for 48 hours to create these powerful works of art which highlight hope, resilience, courage, and solidarity in the face of the ongoing war in Ukraine. Their goal is to imagine the future of Ukraine and Europe, tapping into the potential of artists’ creativity and visionary talent, while using hope-based communications for human rights.

The resulting collection of more than 22 captivating illustrations is online available under a specific open license on, a unique global platform dedicated to open-licensed socially engaged visuals. This means that activists, organizations, and civil society around the world can freely use and adapt these artworks non-commercially for their communications and campaigns in support of Ukraine.

It’s a fantastic way to show support and raise awareness with beautiful artwork and strong messages!

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Verena Schweickhard