Youth Empowerment
Celebrating International Youth Day

Addressing the Challenges of Palestinian Youth
Panel at our PYFD event

We are pleased to work with the Palestinian Youth Forum for Freedom and Democracy (PYFD) in hosting the conference, "Challenges of Palestinian Youth," held at the Palestine Red Crescent Society in Ramallah. In celebration of International Youth Day, this significant event brought together experts, researchers, and a distinguished group of young individuals from across the West Bank.

The conference centered on two main themes. The first theme, political formation, tackled the challenges of political participation and proposed strategies to enhance youth involvement in decision-making and leadership roles. The second theme focused on community participation, emphasizing the role of youth in fostering a civil state and promoting the culture of liberalism.

Dr. Laila Ghannam, Governor of Ramallah and Al-Bireh, highlighted the crucial role of Palestinian youth in shaping the future across political, economic, social, and psychological dimensions. Discussions underscored the importance of involving youth in decision-making processes and the impact of active partnerships in driving positive change.

Groupnd discussion at our PYFD event

The conference addressed a range of critical issues, including the need for increased youth participation in policy-making and political leadership, the high unemployment rate among university graduates (exceeding 49%), and the disparity between the growing number of graduates and available job opportunities. Additional issues included the lack of government support services for youth, the need for new job creation, poverty, insufficient economic empowerment programs, corruption, outdated university specializations, and the need for more vocational training centers and innovative educational approaches.

As a result of these discussions, numerous recommendations were formulated on the main topics, including youth initiatives. These recommendations will be forwarded to relevant government ministries and civil society organizations through the Prime Minister, with a focus on ensuring their implementation.

The event has garnered coverage from various media outlets, with articles available from:

We remain committed to empowering the next generation of Palestinian leaders and supporting their efforts to drive meaningful change within their communities.