Promoting Societal Peace: Collaborative Efforts of CPC and FNF MENA


In a significant step towards fostering societal peace and combating extremism, the Head of the Community Peace Center (CPC), Mr. Omar Al-Khalayleh, recently met with the MENA team of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF). The meeting, attended by Regional Director Mr. Jörg Dehnert, Regional Project Manager Ms. Isabel Kreifels, and Project Coordinator MENA - Yasmeen Alnajdawi, underscored the shared commitment of both organizations to address extremism on local, regional, and international fronts.

Extremism, a multifaceted issue, demands a nuanced and cautious approach. Recognizing this, the collaboration between CPC and FNF focuses on spreading awareness about forms of extremism through theatre and media channels. This approach not only aims to educate but also to engage communities in constructive dialogue.


In Jordan, the government has taken significant strides to tackle extremism and prevent its proliferation. Despite being regarded as a stable nation amidst regional turmoil, Jordan has faced instances of radicalization and recruitment into extremist groups. The Community Peace Center, a strategic project of the Jordanian Public Security Directorate, plays a pivotal role in combating extremist ideologies and preventing recruitment.

With a mission to achieve intellectual security and social peace, CPC collaborates with all segments of society, including vulnerable groups like the disabled and women. The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom shares CPC's vision and methodology. Together, they aim to combat extremist ideologies and bolster prevention efforts by fostering open communication channels with local communities and promoting critical thinking at both local and national levels.


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