FNF and LP convenes Political Education Forum at PUP-Manila

PUP students with Atty. Leila and Atty. Erin

Atty. Leila De Lima, Atty. Erin Tañada, and Ms. Yanyan Araña with the attendees of PUP Political Education Forum. 


In order to teach the concept of liberalism and its societal significance and help future political leaders embrace political awareness as a means to advocate for the country’s welfare, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF)- Philippines collaborated with the Liberal Party of the Philippines (LP), Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP)-Political Science Society, and College of Political Science and Public Administration (CPSPA) Student Council to convene the "Kulayaan ang Kamalayan: Political Education Forum” on May 20, 2024, at PUP Sta. Mesa, Manila.

During the activity, former Senator and current LP Spokesperson, Atty. Leila De Lima, shared her incarceration experience, her beginnings as a human rights lawyer and activist, and the significance of upholding principles amidst adversities.

Atty. Leila De Lima

Atty. Leila De Lima shares her incarceration experience during the forum at PUP-Manila.


She also highlighted the need to dismantle political dynasties, as stated in Article II, Section 26 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution.

"The change that we need right now is not the Charter Change but the changing of our political system through an anti-political dynasty measure."

Atty. Leila De Lima

Former Congressman of Quezon, Erin Tañada, on the other hand, reminded attendees that activism extends beyond rallies and that being politically aware equates to being politically active.

Atty. Erin Tañada

Atty. Erin Tañada discusses the importance of being politically aware. 

The forum's highlight was an open discussion which allowed students to raise questions on relevant issues, including the West Philippine Sea disputes, Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators or more commonly known as POGO, and Charter Change. The session showcased the expertise of the speakers in delivering invaluable insights and inspiration to aspiring political leaders.

Atty Erin and Atty. Leila

Atty. Erin Tañada and Atty. Leila De Lima respond to the questions of attendees during the open forum. 


FNF Program Manager Yanyan Araña delivered the closing message of the event which was attended by over 300 PUP students from CPSPA, College of Arts and Letters and College of Communication.

FNF aims to continue its mission of promoting liberalism by partnering with LP once again to host political education forums in Baguio this coming June.

First political education forum held in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

With the combined initiative of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) – Philippines and the Liberal Party of the Philippines (LP), a political education campaign titled “Mamamayang Liberal” was successfully conducted at the Negros Oriental State University Gymnasium last April.

Nearly 1,100 students from Negros Oriental State University, St. Paul University-Dumaguete, Foundation University, and Silliman University attended the event which aims to showcase the principles of democracy such as promoting the role and significance of political parties in shaping governance and policy-making and fostering a political culture centered on the values of good governance.

LP and FNF Representatives with the attendees of the Dumaguete Political Education Forum

LP and FNF Representatives with the attendees of the Dumaguete Political Education Forum

© LP

At the heart of the forum were LP Spokesperson and former Senator Leila De Lima, LP Vice President and former Deputy Speaker Erin Tañada, and LP Secretary-General and former Representative Teddy Baguilat who engaged attendees in candid discussions on the pressing political issues of the country.

Atty. Leila, Atty. Erin, and Teddy Baguilat answer the questions of the students.

Atty. Leila, Atty. Erin, and Teddy Baguilat answer the questions of the students.

© LP

Moreover, participants were empowered with the tools to make informed decisions during elections including prioritizing party platforms and ideologies over candidate popularity, using social media to combat fake news and disinformation and taking part in campaigns which promotes the right political candidates.  

Dumaguete City Mayor Ipe Remollo lent support to ensure the success of the event, while FNF Program Manager Ms. Yanyan Arana oversee the forum.

After the activity, the LP representatives also visited the #Kakampink and various civil society organizations in Dumaguete to extend their gratitude and appreciation for their support during the 2022 National Elections.

This article is written by Pie Escobar, the Communication Officer for the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Philippine Office