Kaya Natin! Organizes Academy for Young Leaders Across the Philippines to Promote Good Governance

AYL 2024

Participants of the Academy for Young Leaders posed for a photo after the event. 

In line with its mission to foster good governance and ethical leadership, the Kaya Natin! Movement for Good Governance and Ethical Leadership or Kaya Natin for short, has been organizing the Academy for Young Leaders (AYL) workshops across various regions in the Philippines. The movement aims to create opportunities for effective, ethical leadership and engage citizens in contributing to national unity and progress.

The Academy for Young Leaders is a two-day training program designed to empower and equip youth leaders with the skills needed to build youth-led movements, organize communities, and develop youth-based projects. Organized by Kaya Natin! in partnership with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) – Philippines, the program focuses on inspiring young individuals to become active participants in shaping the future of their communities and the country. The theme for this year's initiative revolves around reflecting the goal of empowering young leaders to advocate for change and good governance.

The Academy for Young Leaders has been held in various regions of the country, bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds, all united by their shared desire for better governance. One of the workshops took place in Cebu on April 20-21, 2024 while another one was held in Dumaguete on June 1-2024 where youth leaders gathered for a two-day training session. The event featured activities that encouraged participants to become more involved in the political systems of their local governments. Notable speakers and guests shared firsthand experiences, while attendees also engaged in community dialogues with various people. This immersive experience allowed the youth fellows to connect with real-life issues and gain a deeper understanding of grassroots leadership


One of the representatives of Kaya Natin! discussing about youth empowerment.

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In addition to the Cebu and Dumaguete workshops, Kaya Natin! held another Academy for Young Leaders session in Cagayan de Oro on September 14-15, 2024. The Cagayan de Oro leg of the program also provided an opportunity for young leaders to learn about the importance of ethical leadership and good governance in shaping their communities and the nation as a whole. These workshops are part of Kaya Natin!’s broader effort to build a network of youth leaders who are prepared to lead with integrity and advocate for positive change.

By providing young leaders with the tools and opportunities to engage in governance through these workshops, Kaya Natin! continues to pave the way for a future where ethical leadership and good governance flourish at all levels of society.

This article is written by Pie Escobar, the Communication Officer for the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Philippine Office.


One of the youth leaders asking questions during the open forum. 

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