LGBTQI Activism in Africa

FNF Africa
FNF Africa

FNF Africa

In cooperation with the African Queer Youth Initiative and All Out, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom will start a training programme for the promotion of the digital skills of 25 young LGBT+ activists in six East African countries in June 2019.

The program supports a productive, creative and nonviolent youth activism for the strengthening of LGBTQI rights in Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. Therein, young activists will take part in a training that informs them about their sexual rights and health but also aims at showing them how to claim their rights.  “In thirty-three countries, same-sex acts are illegal. In some of them, they are even punishable by death. Although the tolerance towards homosexuality increases in some countries, it decreases in others. With the help of this project, we particularly want to support young Africans who commit themselves to an improvement of the situation”, explains Jules Maaten, the Regional Director of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation in sub-Saharan Africa.

For more, please click here.

*The original article was published on April 11, 2019 by M. Chapi, M. Beard, N. Fokeerbux.