#3 Talking about Digital Freedom
Digitalisation has opened up a world of opportunity. Today we have access to vast amounts of information, inconceivable 20 years ago. The cost of communication with others has plummeted and is now marginal. The majority of the world’s population has cheap access to the means of communication, hardware, software and the associated services.
The winner of the Raif Badawi Award 2018: ARIJ
Female Founders – was Unternehmerinnen besser machen
Mit unserer neuen Publikation wollen wir Frauen zu Wort kommen lassen, die gegründet haben. Wir wollen Erlebnisse hören, Hintergründe erfahren und zwar ungefiltert und individuell, statt repräsentativ und anonym.
So funktioniert der Emissionshandel
#2 Talking about Innovation
Innovation is not only about robots, artificial intelligence or futuristic concepts but there are many ideas on how to be innovative as an individual or as an organization. But what is needed to stay innovative and create a company culture that is constantly innovative?
Tunesien im Umbruch
Alexander Riepe analysiert die Lage in Tunesien.
Die Lage in Venezuela
Quo vadis, Venezuela? Fragt die Veranstaltung der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung.
Hong Kong
Armin Reinartz analysiert die aktuelle Lage in Hong Kong.
Christian Taaks analysiert den Handelsstreit zwischen Japan und Südkorea.
#1 Talking about Populism
In the first episode of IAF TALK we're meeting Milosz Hodun, International Officer of Nowoczesna party in Poland, and Ines Holzegger, International Officer of YUNOS (youth organization of NEOS party Austria), who give us an insight into the latest political developments in their countries and how populism is affecting the situation.