Personal Diversity : Personal Diversity

Over the last decades, we have witnessed the struggle for equality and freedom for many. Precisely in the last few years, The anti-racism, LGBTI+ and women’s rights movements, amongst others, have created many landmark victories producing great advances in civil liberties.

As liberals, we ask ourselves, what is the next step in the struggle for freedom? The answer is to bring people's intrinsic individual diversity into the conversation. That is, to break away from the labels associated with collectives. Unleashing the individual potential, your inner diversity.

Diversity encompasses all the dimensions that make each person unique, such as ethnicity, race, age, sexual identity or orientation, gender, nationality, but also style, sentimental situation, education, work situation, job or type of organization you work for; personality, religious or political beliefs, life experiences or life perspectives among others. In short, the psychological, physical and social differences that exist between all individuals. It is not just one aspect that defines a person's identity, but the sum of all of them

The new normal is to confront the prejudices and stereotypes that frame groups in order to accept the diversity of the individual. Avoid generalizing and labelling an individual based on a small differentiator such as sexual orientation or skin color.

Manifesto video

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Personal Diversity Manifesto © FNF Madrid

Publication: are we a truly diverse society?

  • Diversity

    Diversity is a concept and an idea that is currently in vogue. There is no sector in society that is not working in some way to incorporate it, from private business to public policy to the arts and media. It has become a central issue in today's societies and represents a major challenge to life in democracy.
    This dossier aims to approach the complex, broad, and controversial concept of diversity within the framework of anthropology, sociology, political science, education, private enterprise, artistic expression, activism, and communication. The various analyses and expressions of the authors of this publication aim to look at diversity, if not exhaustive, then personal, accurate and challenging, in order to answer the question of why it is necessary to talk about it in modern societies.

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© FNF Madrid

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© FNF Madrid


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