Strengthening Internal Security and Reforming the Asylum System: Germany’s New Legislative Proposal

Strengthening Internal Security and Reforming the Asylum System
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In the wake of the violent knife attacks in recent months, some of which led to the death of civilians, the political debate in Germany has also intensified. The state elections in three eastern German states, the strong performance of the far-right AfD and the upcoming federal elections in September next year are fuelling the debate all the more. The governing coalition of SPD, Alliance 90/Greens and FDP has reacted to these latest developments and drafted a bill that aims to strengthen internal security as well as create more opportunities to combat terrorism and control migration.

In light of recent attacks in Germany, where the perpetrators reportedly have a migration background, the national debate around migration has intensified. This has led to political parties, including the FDP, adopting a more restrictive stance on security and asylum policies, especially as Germany approaches its general elections in September next year. A new legislative proposal has emerged, aimed at addressing these concerns by enhancing internal security and reforming the asylum system.

Drafted by the ruling threeparty coalition, this proposal focuses on three critical areas: weapons control, combatting extremism and terrorism, and tightening the asylum and residency laws. These measures aim to create a safer environment while ensuring that the asylum system remains robust and fair.

To prevent extremists and criminals from acquiring weapons, the proposal introduces stricter background checks, including a 10-year review of an applicant’s residential history. Additionally, certain knives, such as spring knives, will be banned from public events and high-crime areas to reduce the risk of violent incidents. Regarding asylum and residency laws, the proposal allows for the denial or revocation of asylum for individuals committing crimes motivated by antisemitism, racism, xenophobia, or gender discrimination. Refugees who return to their home countries, which they previously claimed were unsafe, may lose their protected status. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) will also use biometric data and online identity checks to verify the identities of asylum seekers, especially when documentation is lacking. Finally, the proposal strengthens financial tracking of extremist activities and facilitates the deportation of convicted criminals, particularly those involved in violent offenses. It simplifies the deportation process for individuals convicted of crimes involving weapons or dangerous tools, even if their prison sentence is less than one year.

What is the Anticipated Impact?

The German government aims to reduce violent crimes and terrorist threats through stricter controls on weapons and more efficient deportation procedures. The new measures ensure that asylum protections are not abused while maintaining Germany’s commitment to humanitarian principles. By introducing biometric checks and monitoring financial transactions linked to extremism, authorities aim to enhance national security and protect the public from future threats.

How Does This Relate to the Political Climate?

With general elections set for September next year, internal security and migration are critical issues that will shape the political landscape. The rise in attacks, coupled with the involvement of individuals with migration backgrounds, has added fuel to the ongoing debate. The growing strength of the far-right AfD in particular has fuelled the debate on asylum and migration policy with its toxic language and attempted to instrumentalise the deadly attacks in recent months for its own policies. The ruling parties, including the FDP, are under pressure to demonstrate a firm stance on these issues to address public concerns and present concrete solutions. This legislative proposal reflects their effort to balance security, migration, and the need for a fair asylum system without jeopardising Germany's humanitarian obligations.

The proposed legislation could have significant implications for Türkiye, particularly regarding the reform of asylum and residency laws. With a large number of asylum seekers and refugees in Germany originating from Türkiye, the stricter rules around asylum revocation for individuals involved in criminal activities could potentially impact Turkish nationals. The proposal's emphasis on financial tracking and deportation for criminal activities may also lead to increased scrutiny of Turkish communities in Germany, particularly in cases involving extremism or violent crimes.

As Germany faces increasing pressure to manage security and migration effectively, this legislative proposal is a step toward improving internal security while reforming the asylum system. It aims to safeguard the public from extremism and crime while ensuring that the asylum system operates with integrity and fairness. With elections on the horizon, the proposal may also play a significant role in shaping the political dialogue around migration and security in Germany.