FuckUp Nights
Fuck Up Nights Vol. XI - Beirut Relief Edition


Fuckup Nights is one of our favorite formats. Usually we invite our network for pizza and beer to the office, there we gather entrepreneurs to tell us about their fuckups. This edition is special though:
We are shedding light on some of the amazing initiatives that came out of the horrible Beirut Blast and how they fucked up with their NGOs.

Moderated by Nour Alwan, our partner from the Submarine co-working space, we talked to:

Lara Kays, Project Manager at Factory People, who came to talk about Basecamp, a relief initiative covering everything from recycling rubble to fixing homes and feeding people in need.

John Ashkar, who is leading the RiseUp, an initiative dedicated to support micro and small enterprises affected by the Blast.

Mazen el Murr from Nation Station, an initiative that is supporting the community in Geitawi after the Blast in all different ways and forms.

Listen to the full podcast here

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We also filmed the podcast which is available here:

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