Bridging Gaps: NEON's groundbreaking podcast series “ok Boomer!”

ok boomer
© Project NEON

In a landscape dominated by populist narratives, NEON has stepped into the fray, breaking new ground with a thought-provoking podcast series aimed at amplifying liberal voices in Greek society. Launched on April 26th, this dynamic series, hosted by a youthful trio led by Vasilis Apostolopoulos, has become a compelling counterargument to prevailing political dialogues.

The 10-episode series, supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, tackled a spectrum of pressing issues, from privatizations and taxation to Greek elections, refugees, and the recent Hamas terrorist attack in Israel. What sets this podcast apart is not just its content but also its form – a fusion of youthful energy and expert insights, with co-hosts Christos Zervas and Odysseas Vlachonikolos adding a relatable touch.

At the core of NEON's initiative is the commitment to fostering conversations that matter, providing a platform for liberal perspectives often overlooked in mainstream discourse. The inclusion of expert guests further elevates the series, creating a space where relatability meets seasoned insights.

The podcast was produced in partnership with Soundis.gr.

You can follow all episodes here:

Water Privatization - Protests in France. A chill 2023?

Apr 26, 2023

In the first episode of "ok Boomer!", Christos and Vassilis dive straight into the news. After they introduce us to NEON, they explain to us why we should be concerned about the incidents in France and what is ultimately going on with water and privatization in Greece. For scientific back up, they have invited the assistant professor of economics Manos Pyriotakis who is coming directly from the University of Essex.

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One year anniversary of wiretapping - A sum

May 4, 2023

Instead of having a party for the 1 year anniversary of wiretapping, Vassilis and Christos decided to dedicate the 2nd episode of ok Boomer! podcast on it. After first discussing what happened in the week leading up to the elections, they welcome as a guest a journalist who was key in bringing the case to light: Thodoris Chondrogiannos.

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What do the parties say about taxation?

June 8, 2023

After an election hangover, Vassilis and Christos call the researcher of the Center for Liberal Studies and PhD candidate of the University of Macedonia, Constantinos Saravakos, to talk about what else? Taxation! Why all the fuss about political parties taxation programs? What are indirect taxes and how much do they affect us? What is the relationship between taxation and youth employability? Is Greece the Denmark of the South? If you also have these questions, hurry to hear them. If not, well, you're a boomer!

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What did the youth vote for and why?

June 24, 2023

Christos and Vassilis are now addicted to election binge watching. So, shortly before the 2nd season of the series "Greek Elections 2023", George Trapalis is invited to the podcast for a recap about youth voting and political communication through social media. It goes without saying that they will first do a background check on how much of a boomer their guest is.

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Migration 2.0: a debate on the Pylos shipwreck

July 4, 2023

This episode ok Boomer! takes place on the occasion of the tragic shipwreck off Pylos. Vassilis and Christos have invited Panteion University's Economics professor, former Member of Parliament and former Director General of the Non-Governmental Organization Solidarity Now, Mrs. Antigoni Lymperaki. If you have questions about the shipwreck, refugees and immigrants in Greece and whether people from different cultural backgrounds can coexist in one society, you know which podcast to listen to!

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Neo-feminism (?) and woke culture

July 19, 2023

On the occasion of the controversial topic of the pan-Hellenic exams, Vassilis and Christos invite the Postdoctoral researcher of Social Sciences, Giouli Foka-Kavalieraki, to the podcast to give her own take on the topic. Does this neo-feminism really exist? What is the glass ceiling? How much does woke culture affect equality? Is our profession genetically determined? If you are interested in learning the answers to these questions, you know which podcast to listen to. If not, get ready to be canceled.

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The fun new identification cards bring

Oct 25, 2023

The new ok Boomer! episode also brings a new podcaster. Vassilis and Odysseas, this time, discuss all the fun and reactions that new identification cards bring. After all, the new IDs are another way for them to control us (!) and maybe expect a visit from Father Kleomeni?

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Stories about the country's institutions!

Nov 9, 2023

This week Odyssas decides to tell Vasilis a story about the institutions of this country. If you want to know how ADAE (Authority for Ensuring the Privacy of Communications), snake-oils and ESR (Independent Broadcasting Regulatory Authority) relate to today's episode press play, grab some popcorn and enjoy!

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Discussion of the Hamas attack on Israel

Nov 17, 2023

In the last episode of the season, Vassilis and Odysseus discuss a topic that is no laughing matter: the terrorist attack by Hamas in Israel. Starting with a brief historical review they try to approach this complex issue.

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As NEON continues to champion diverse voices and reshape the narrative, this podcast series stands as a testament to the power of open dialogue and the potential for change in the ever-evolving socio-political landscape of Greece.