The network of counterparts that work with the FNF Andean Countries team has developed different podcasts with different themes. Among them are:
- Sonido libre (Free sound)- Series of programs produced by the Fundación para el progreso (Chile). Available at sonidolibre.org, Apple and Google Podcasts.
- Mundo Posible (Possible World) - Podcast implemented by Libera Bolivia. Available at: https://open.spotify.com/show/205VIqZLdtx5v9Yhpwl8Cw?si=ksuAFlAkQz-WLW1MLL2RZA
- Señales de futuro (Signs of the future) - Interviews with innovation, science and technology experts. An initiative of the Instituto del Futuro (Peru). Available at: https://podcasts.apple.com/pe/podcast/se%C3%B1ales-de-futuro/id1513046538