Freedom of the press and opinion
While everybody is talking about refugees, we talk to them: the Divan series with Berlin’s “Tagesspiegel” daily newspaper

Thilo Rückeis/ Verlag der Tagesspiegel

Firas Alshater is an independent Syrian journalist, author and YouTuber.

© Thilo Rückeis/ Verlag der Tagesspiegel

Defending freedom of the press and freedom of expression means lending a voice to those who are usually just the subject of others’ conversations. We wanted to talk to “the refugees” that the media has been reporting on constantly over the past few years. What are their thoughts on flight and migration? How do they feel about their current situation in Germany? #jetztschreibenwir (#ourturntowrite) was therefore the Tagesspiegel headline on 15 October 2016. The issue was written and designed by journalists from Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and other countries who have had to flee their countries of origin.

Podiumsdiskussion der diesjährigen Tagesspiegelbeilage der Exiljournalisten.

Panel discussion of the 2018 Tagesspiegel supplement by exiled journalists.

© Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit