Krieg in Europa
Friedensprojekt Europa

Die Rede von Olha Stefanishyna, stellvertretende Ministerpräsidentin und Ministerin für europäische Integration, Ukraine
Olha Stefanishyna

Olha Stefanishyna

© FNFreiheit 

Dies ist der Auszug der Rede von Frau Stefanishyna 

Just in a couple of days, we will face a year of the Russian full-scale war that was launched on Ukraine. It is not just a small aggression as we know it in our history. It's an attack on all democracies and the international rule of law. There's been so much suffering, destruction and death which has changed us all. It changed Europe, it changed Germany and the dynamics of the whole world. However, this war has brought our nations together. Standing with us as one has made us more confident, stronger and more resilient. We are grateful to Europe for the military, financial and humanitarian support. Especially, I would like to note that the liberals are a strong voice advocating justice for the victims of the horrendous Russian war crimes. War criminals must be brought to justice. We are therefore very grateful to Germany for supporting these efforts and investigating the outrageous crimes committed on Ukrainian soil. The crimes beyond comprehension and those responsible for them, should be brought to justice. Russia's war against Ukraine is a challenge to a global international order, to the democratic order. It will indeed have long standing consequences for the world's security, which cannot be ignored even in the most remote parts of it.

These consequences did bring forward a strong and united Europe, which will not allow this horror. However, as we are approaching February 24th it is crucial to remember that the war had not started a year ago. Russian aggressions started eight years ago already.  It is our joint responsibility to ensure that hesitancy does not prevail. This time is crucial for the future of Europe and the unity and strength will prevent another war on the European continent. This war must end and the war crimes have to be prosecuted by the international law and under the UN Charter principles. Justice must be restored for Ukraine, for Europe and the whole world.

Further, more support for Ukraine now means fewer people suffering and dying then. The Ukraine needs defense support for a successful Ukrainian counteroffensive and establishment of a proper defense over liberated territory. Firstly, we do need tanks, planes and much more artillery.  Secondly, we need to extend the sanctions. These are needed to ensure that Russia cannot manufacture and maintain high tech weapons, most notably missiles attacking civilians and critical civilian infrastructure. The international community must increase pressure on the terrorist state, IT proxies and anyone who helps Russia circumvent sanctions. Thirdly, there should be accountability and no impunity for war crimes and the atrocities caused. Putin forces the world to revise the existing world order and change it on its terms, that is to restore the old Russian Empire. Only force can stop Putin from pressuring the West and attacking Ukraine.

For us the danger of other authoritarian regimes to mirror this challenge to a democratic country is real. A country that fails to implement and exercise its right to self-defense guaranteed by Article 41 of the Charter of the United Nations, could be a negative example for others imitating. This could have the most severe consequences for the global security order. Therefore, mutual trust must be restored and maintained.  The Ukrainian people, authorities, and military are united in our determination to ensure complete restoration of the Ukrainian territorial integrity of Ukraine. We should send a clear message to authoritarian regimes across the globe that the rule -based international order remains intact, being the most effective tool to prevent wars and armed conflicts. We are grateful to all EU member states, including Germany, who have fully supported the peace initiative. At the Munich Security Conference, there were many discussions on next actions that are needed, but also on the search of a systemic geopolitical solution to ensure sustainable peace in Europe. This shall be a global task. A first step could be that Ukraine will be admitted to the NATO. Thank you. And Slava Ukraina!